15 Wildfire Rd Maddington, WA 6109


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Easy Reamers

Have you ever drilled your pilot hole and then decided that you would just pull back your small pipe or cable without back reaming first?

Your only pulling in a 80mm pipe and the pilot bit probably cut a 120mm hole anyway, so it should be OK.

But then, halfway through the bore, you loose flow, you loads go through the roof and your package is stuck. It usually happens half way under the road or under a bunch of existing services where its not an easy job to just dig it up.

I am not sure if this has happened to you, but I know it has happened to me and usually on the last day of the job.

6″ Vermeer Easy Reamer with 5T Swivel

“So much for getting home early!

EASY Reamer can save you the drama of getting stuck, it lets you take the guesswork out of deciding whether to back-ream or not.

With EASY Reamer the choice is easy, as it makes back reaming an extremely easy and simple operation.

A simple “Quick Connect” sub

EASY Reamer is a simple “Quick Connect” sub which allows easy and fast connection to your starter rod and provides the easiest reaming solution on the market today, and you will never consider taking the risk of not back-reaming again.

EASY Reamer is ideally suited for hard pack soil and sticky clay conditions, the cutters are angled to provide excellent cutting and mixing action.

  • The most cost effective Back Reamer on the market
  • Never get your package stuck again
  • Built-in swivel or single pulling eye option
  • Very simple and reliable

Getting stuck in a hole can be an extremely expensive exercise, not only is there the cost of downtime in fixing the problem. But if a road has to be dug up and repaired or the cable you are pulling in is damaged, the costs can mount fast.

Our EASY REAMER can save you stress and potential cost

Safely pull back your product with EASY Reamer and get out of trouble.

The money you will save on downtime alone will pay for an Easy Reamer many times over.

2 sizes Available, 4″  &  6″

Quick Connect Easy Reamer Sub

Easy reamers are available to for Vermeer® D7x11 through to D24x40 and Ditch Witch® JT922 through to JT2020 Horizontal Directional Drills. For other machines, don’t hesitate to contact us. Call on pricing for Quick Fire, Hawk Eye or Splinelock systems.

Also available with a single pulling eye for connecting to swivle

2 sizes Available, 4″ and 6″

with screw-in 5T built in swivel

This package has to be the cheapest back-reamer with built in swivel on the market today. 

Here are some examples of our  Easy Reamers to suit for Vermeer® and Ditch Witch® HDD Drills.

We guarantee that our Easy Reamer is the simplest reamer with built-in swivel on the market today and if you are not completely satisfied with Easy Reamer, return it back to us intact for a complete refund.

For more Information on our Easy Reamer take the next step below